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19. 4. 2023

Tereza and Zdenek Joukl have received a grant from Culture & Animals Foundation for an Experimental Study of Bias Against Meat Alternatives

10 4. 2023

SPOLU & UDRŽITELNĚ - Pro zvířata a planetu - discussion about veganism and animal rights with Tereza Vandrovcová on April 21 2023 in Broumov: Facebook event (Czech event)

9. 4. 2023

Tereza Vandrovcová: Kořeny útlaku zvířat a nové výzvy on April 27 2023 in Prague - lecture with discussion: tickets (Czech event) 


Not enough time, sorry :)

28.1.2014-23.2.2014 - Offline (travelling)

1. 8. 2012

Call for papers! Non-human in Social Science III: Past Trajectories - Future Prospects More info here

15.-16.10. 2011

First Critical Animal Studies Conference in the Czech Republic, second in Europe! RECONFIGURING THE ‘HUMAN’/’ANIMAL’  More info here


Czech ‘veggie month’ spotlights a meat-free lifestyle  (I have been quoted) More info here

21. 6. 2011

Meeting of the group for animal protection of the Green Party will held place on thursday 30th July 2011 at 6 pm at Senovážné náměstí 2, Prague 1. More info here (only in czech)

9. 6. 2012

Veggie Parade - annual celebration of vegetarian and vegan lifestyle in Prague. More info here.

1. 6. 2011

Call for Papers for the Prague conference of Critical Animal Studies is now open!. More info here.

15. 4. 2011

Veggie Parade - big march in Prague celebrating the ethical way of life and respect to all living being - takes place on 14th May 2011.  More info here.










At this website you can find links to my projects (websites, NGOs, events, companies) and publications.

The English version is not updated so often but I will try at least time to time :)






CAF awarded Tereza Vandrovcová a grant for her research project involving the study of bias against meat alternatives, highlighting the prejudice that many people have towards vegan foods. This is sometimes the case where non-vegans refrain from food they would have been open to eating when they were unaware it was vegan! Whereas Tereza has already conducted a small-scale version of this study, this more extensive survey will, she hopes, draw more attention to the psychology/sociology of eating animals and its study, and provide valuable insights into how or why some resist change. Tereza received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Charles University, Prague, and currently teaches at Charles Univesity and the University of New York in Prague, where she lectures in Social Psychology, Sociology and Animals in Human Society. Tereza is the co-founder of an online vegan guide, and an activist for Humanimal in the Czech Republic.

























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